Video 6
6. Shanti Gita - Class 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 6 & 7
[Music] oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face om peace peace peace be unto us all so today now we'll study the shanti gita the song of peace song of peace you can find the man's in the text if you go youtube description or slash shanti gita shanti hyphen gita santi hyphen gita shanti nti now we just started the first chapter of this wonderful text not very much and studied by us but we are fortunate that we got this text it is very profound and very sweet and very simple but truth profound truth again so we read these verses that observing arjuna who was overwhelmed with grief when his son was killed in the war the lord madhusudana the krishna then comforted arjuna with some awakening inspirational teachings and that is this shanti gita and by this arjuna got back peace that's why it is called shanti gita the song of peace now what is started we have read four five verses so the first verse in the first chapter so first verse was that oh you know king so why are you very you are in bewildered you are bewildered and you are sinking in the ocean of grief why are you lamenting almost like any ignorant person forgetting the noble council that i gave you before arjuna has been given the instruction as the bhagavad-gita that was at the beginning of the war and this is going on on the 13th day of the war when the sun was killed so so krishna first of all wanted to remind him why are you forgetting and lamenting like an ignorant person why because you are now bewildered with grief and is sinking in the grip because you lost your son but it should not be you are not an ignorant person you should not be behaving like that then um second verse we did thought was that in mike in this world of maya sutter you know as if they are true what we see what we hear what we touch what we test they are as if they are true with this idea sattvajanam that is the cause of your bereavement and frustration and suffering and sorrows tatwa you are not in a fool you are not an ignorant person you are an awakened person so so do you see tips give up your believement lamentation and then be happy by giving up this you can be happy just now you have forgotten the teachings that's why it is said that robin artigar has a beautiful song who said that why they make the cloud comes in between you and me why i don't see you all the time why cloud covers my vision now and then though you have got once the experience but still cloud comes that's why here first of all maghwan krishna is giving this awakening note that you are awakened person don't be behaving like an ignorant one i have given you this lesson you remember that only what is the cause of suffering not anyone's death death is not the cause of suffering but suffering is that because you think that this is real death is not real as birth is not real truth remains the same so in maya only you see these are all and these are all real so there is no cause of suffering there is no cause of believement you can be always happy if you think this way so you forgot now no so third verse says that the conviction that the objects of maya are real that is the cause of grief we all suffer because of what thinking this is real what is happening is real what you told me the other day that was so real i got hurt i got wounded how can you do like that and i carry it in my whole life thinking it is real but it is not so it is mike by maya therefore you are intelligent and wise be happy only by giving up your bereavement fourth verse says it says as a consequence of identifying your real self with the body that's a fundamental point we forgot that we are the divine self we we think this is me so this identification this is me not that is me but this is me this wrong identification you have become deluded because of that you have become delude that is the cloud comes in between and that is the you are entangled in the idea what idea me mine we don't bother about what is happening others other places but what is happening to me and my people my house my bank account my room my friends my enemies see all connected there no seven billion people are there how much suffering is going on how much joy is going on no we are not concerned we even if we go to the news channel just for news it's for intellectual just information collection but i am not emotionally troubled by that but i am troubled by that when i say my my friend oh my young brother my sister my mom my dad yes that has a value in the world but ultimately this me and mine that is creating the trouble not no one is creating trouble your concept that it is real these are real that is giving the idea forgetting that your real self which is real everything will go away that self will remain so the fourth verse we read now you think who are you where you are born how how did you born who are you think just one moment it gives really it hits our consciousness yeah if we really think the way bhagwan is teaching us only for a moment think bichar means analyze critically analyze kobaoshi just analyze who are you that whole vedanta comes there who are you no and how are you born where you are born where was you before birth how do you come to that particular parent think my mom my dad my father everything is true because it is in this world which we think real everything is real because i am passing to that stage but really think where why are you who are you what was your connection with your mom and dad and then you are born then you say he is my sister he is my brother where is the connection coming how do you connect and relate so how are you born who is your son who is your wife or husband how do you get entangled in their love and affection how do you get it it's a mystery no it happens that someone baby is born and then when some person have no child they want a baby to be what you call baby adopt adopting the baby and the baby born with the adopted mom and dad no and they know that is their mom that is their dad can all connection with the adopted father elected mother no foster father faster mother so the baby knows that that is the identification growing see that how miraculously it happens sometimes people talk about this i do not know after birth a child exchange sometimes baby exchange you know it happens two are born and then exit some many bad bad stories are those but it happens in but but but by that exchange no one knows i know he is my mom he is my dad and if that exchange has happened then what do you know who is who is your real mom mom and then real even if you say the real mom and dad then you think what was your relationship before your birth where is your father where is your mother and how you connect them how you connected with them at a particular time particular situation particular context we get connected and we take these to be real so this was the fifth question we ended very vital question you can see the spiritual aspirant should for themselves for their own study should put this question again and again the krishna is telling us very simple koba osi who are you katanjata how are you born now you are saying your son has died no who who is who is your son and ba but your husband and wife kotomba and how you get entangled in a tie of love and affection snehoba dosi just think for a moment so we read these five verses now is a response is coming from sri krishna sixth verse [Music] probably you are getting the what you call the text again i'm saying please go to santi gita then you will find this or you can go youtube description then you find this text there so again so [Music] it is very lucid and very simple also again propablam server is organization because of it originating from where ignorance and all all means everything all jiva all the individual souls here i ud is that wherever it is 7.4 billion or 2 billion whatever the people all jivas not only human now we go to the other animals and creatures forget that at least we are thinking of the human being now so all individuals have been coming out of art organim ignorance again of prophet maya maya wasn't and in this ignorance you are under this spell you have become under the spell of maya just you are builder when maya comes and puts a spell then you see things differently we forget our real self we are all sachidan on the brahmana but we forgot as soon as maya as in the magicians you have seen they do like this and that and that and you change everything that they are telling no somebody sent me one video a magician is showing so he one gentleman was standing in one side and he was the magician is showing that they see this man here and then there is nothing in this side and then he brought out one rolled paper as it were and we show that it's like a rolled something was rolled and this this by this movie and out of that one lady came and he said and the lady came everyone is surprised that how that from the paper rolled paper the lady come and then lady came then now she took a sheet of your own cloth white cloth and was playing with that see it is only cloth he's swinging like that and then just threw over the man and the man managed and you know of course he played with the man also a few times you see the face here but the man is not there and ultimately man is vanished and then he did the same thing with a sheet of cloth just over that lady and through and the lady also vanished let you into the other side no no first they vanished and then again the empty cloth and doing like that lady comes on this side and the man comes to the other side opposite i said what is happening play of maya spill they are putting some spill on our knowledge aspect no we are getting and we are being bewildered every audience is ah no it's natural if you see like so this is god's maya play is going on like hey and we see all existence all vanish you see the man was big man he totally disappeared and that is that lady and she also disappeared and they exchanged their place how they ran away from here nothing and came out the man came on this side and the lady came on the other side and both vanished so this and he himself vanished also afterwards he played with the cloth he himself vanished and of course they came back again so this is the maya so this gives a very good idea sixth verse gives an idea everything has come out of ignorance because we know whoever is observing that magic show they have paid some money willingly they have come to be be fooled we are like that we are all brahmaganis we have come here to be fooled be fooled by the trickery of the magician and here is magician is god or you can say mahamaya the great divine mother no she wants to play like that and everything that becomes so real and then we cry and stop and weep and do and smile and joy and dance and sing everything is possible so due to ignorance again the impact of prabhupada and strength that is jato pro prakristen bhava means jato this world has come out of the ignorance and jiva maya individual souls are under the spell of this maya we are all under the spell of this cosmic maya we see the same sun all together all the audience are seeing the same thing but the magician is making a fun of everything now actually he's be fooling us all the people in the audience hundreds of people they will be stuck with wonder and be be fooled one person is be fooling hundreds of people in front of them all magic either the man ran away quickly when the cloth was thrown and in such a quick session and he drew our attention to the cloth and something else we didn't pay attention something is done but we think it is real it is real it is it and we get we know it is not real but we know it is real so this is the maya and ignorance under the maya and de hobimano you know here i identify with this body that is my point and because of the body i identify here everything comes my mind you yours likes dislikes i like i i i so the whole spiritual life is to de-hypnotize ourselves swamiji's own words no we are hypnotized but our whole spiritual life is to de-hypnotize so what to do when hypnotized from what to get out of identification what is the identification my obi man means identity my connectedness is with the they and this the ho which is every day changing every moment it is transforming into another thing but i see i am this one and when this expansion comes i goes to everywhere i then becomes big i the limitation of the body goes away therefore types of and therefore there comes sufferings and miseries not one type hundreds and thousands of types of suffering that's why it is said that life is full of suffering buddha said the comes come everything is thought what you see it is joy behind it's some suffering is waiting for us it comes with a nice face of joy but behind is the dark face of suffering in our life that's why everyone we feel that life how much joy we got in life how much suffering we are going through so but this is all don't blame anyone it is the identification what you have or i have with my body fundamental that's why spiritual people see they go beyond body identity and because they go beyond identity of their own body they go beyond their own that's why monastic life is detached from your family members friends because you have those association everyone have those association details is not heartless but detached means with the spiritual attitude god is my own our devotee is also god is my own focus on that side and not on the dejo side physical body side and they we have three bodies this is the physical body but the subtle body in the dream body an ego body so our identification goes in every level i have my body physical body my energy body oh i am feeling weak i have not gotten any energy energy body no then you identify with your mental body emotional body intellectual body and your ego body so these identification is causing all trouble so vedanti is very good you see he has all the world problems it can be just squeezed into this very simple formula what is the cause of suffering and who are you why are you suffering you know the whole world always teaches us oh because of this because of that but suffering no one can make the brahmaganya sufferer sriracha the cancer such fatal cancer in those days no treatment nothing pain no pain reliever and nowadays people are safely safe on that aspect but how shiranga is so let the body understand it's suffering and the suffering let suffering understand the relationship between body and suffering not me moon oh my mind you detach you remain in ananda you become identified with your blissful nature so so six verse is beautiful no so again i read once again prabhupam sarubam everything is born out of ignorance servant all this universe and jiva and the individual souls we see they are all under the spell of maya individually not me but the whole world is under spell of maya no and then they ho why why a spell of maya because of you identified yoga due to identification with the body we experience so much of suffering after suffering after suffering seventh verse [Music] [Music] imagine it's a mind imagine this sangsaru this world what he has imagined satyam it is real it is true it is permanent it is there matwa thinking matwa mishat makam it is totally unreal but you are thinking it is real dukkham suffering sorrow suffering shukham happiness and you think when when you get favorable thing you are happy when it is unfavorable you say you do come but it is all coming from your monakalpita your mind is imagining that this world is real which is really meshat makam which is really false is a just appearance as soon just at this moment the world is so real just if i go to sleep but this world is gone from me in the world suppose someone is going undergoing some surgery before that it was pain these that but when they put the morphine or or whatever anesthesia what happens they do everything the world is gone how much serious operations people undergo some go for 10 hours 12 hours i have heard but he does not feel anything when mind is not associated you feel nothing things are going on to the body monaha kalpitam here is the point our manaha but we cannot accept this truth monocle this is imagination of my mind no no it is real that's why i am saying but here is the vedantic analysis it is all your mind is imagining that's why in the same room in the same home in the same place one is very happy one is very unhappy same food suppose in a classroom the same teacher same lesson same way the teacher is teaching students are all sitting for someone it is an enlightening someone it is boring so why why it is happening monarch alberta so everyone's mind is the receptor there and according to the cleanliness of the mind it appears favorable or not favorable it is joyful or full of misery so this is the analysis we have to think seriously it is not for any other reason even suppose we are a team say maybe we are eight ten people we went to go some so enjoy some a good movie or something wherever we went but when you come out ask everyone everyone has different perspective the same movies seeing the same movie actions and reactions are different monarch culprits each one's mind is playing a big factor there and everyday perception is all monarch capital if you say why colpito because it is only brahman whatever you think good that is also kalpana imagination it is bad that's also kalpuna imagination of the mind it's very interesting thing to analyze it and really get into it this same if you say one food is bad it should be bad for everyone no one relishes that food another will not because once mind is tuned that is good this type of food is good his tongue carries the message to the brain brain carries the message to the mind and mind fills it wow our mind says so it's a moroccan veto thing material thing is going the same to the mouth of everyone is it not and the sensor in ours sending message to the brain that's also same because it is the same material going and same reaction physically it is same then from here when it is transmitted to the mind it perceives according to one's own mental condition and there comes the kalpuna oh what a good food or what a bad food what a good person what a bad person all these experiences are coming see is it not mono kalpuna just analyzed your mind is thinking that my mom has done mom's food is so good good yeah but why don't you feel for maybe someone has done much better food the mind plays a big role and it is vedanta says it is all the understanding is your mind your mind can see brahman see ramakrishna see brahman everywhere ram mystic saints and all the mystic sense of the christian world so every saint sees the world differently and we see what ya nisha in the bhagavad-gita said that which is like dark night for the people ignorant people that the spiritual people they are awakened in that that means for us god is dark we don't see god brahman is not there but in ghanais they live in that consciousness and just sang jagriti bhutani in which we are awake just sangjagrati bhutani sanesha that is like night in the night time the gang is look at the world not the way we live look at for us it is so real for them it has no value it is like a dream or like a shadow and but god is real for them tangible for us god is a word intellectual understanding we are listening so many times and something intellectual but god is real for them for us it is only in an imagination some believe how many people in the world don't believe in god so this is the their mind is giving that idea to them so i am unhappy practical when it becomes practical means not favorable to your desire then we fail suffering or pain and when it's my up to my liking i get the thing i am happy i am very happy today so you know not objectively nothing is making us happy all is happening in the mental level see if you understand this whole vedanta philosophy is here the world is the imagination of the mind as much as you analyze more and more clarity will come things should be if it is true true truth will be the same for everyone but why it varies then there is some factor and that is the mind factor and mind factor according to the thickness of the cloud the sun manifests our sun hides so monarch kalpana say mind is like cloud pure mind those who are meditating praying and trying to see god everywhere all these sadhanas they are doing they their their mind kalpana imagination of the mind is becoming clearer and clearer and more imagination is going away they are running towards the truth and there may be infinite number of perception of the same sun because which layer of the cloud in my mind is there in your mind is there so we differ in that level and when i feel i saw the theme i i also think the same way you think that means when you i identify your mental imagination level and my imagination level is the same sometimes you say oh it resonates with my heart it resonates with your human means your kalpuna and my kalpana your imagination and my imagination is resonating in one level and that is the comes friendship and everyone is in different level of vibration so this world is this is the seventh verse now let us go to the eighth part eight verse [Music] [Music] let me see in the snare the snare of what you call mindness affection love self-love momota sangmadu being tied but captured by that sansari in this world worldly existence brahma pratya we are all wielding around in this ordeal and when we started we do not know anadi from time immemorial when we started this journey we do not know seeing this world finding trying to find joy in this world and squeeze the lemon totally as so as swamiji had the conversation with whom swamiji's conversation say uh ingersoll ingersoll met swamiji samijimet and then he was telling that what you are thinking of god god god why you want to squeeze every drop of juice from this world it was in yourself opinion so it says that yeah but swamiji said you are squeezing too much it becomes bitter i know how to extract it he said i know how to extract the juice but not be bitter so this is the bondage here then from beginningless time we as jiva's individual soul were captured as it were by the snare of affection identification with i love you i love you i love you actually we love because god is there but we don't know we think forgetting god we love the other thing which is not real so this is the problem that's the snare of maya and he is deluded brahma wielding we are wheeling around ana the kaala though from time immemorial satya buddha thinking to be it is true be mohito totally deluded so idea is being repeated here vedanta has not many ideas but idea is repeated again and again what it says that momota passes he's critically analyzing where we are bound who has bomb put [Music] let go thy hold we are trying to hold motha apostle in the uh tie of mindness and then you say no lift let it go then you are free sannyasin free no now what that say so so the individual souls from beginningless time and captured individual all of us have captured by the snare of our self-love that means we love this one because i love this one what satisfied me i love that my i am happy with this pain i love this pain it may be many valuable pain may be there but if i like this because it fulfills my desire i like it rather than other thing no so i love myself that momota mother is not only the outside but it starts here first and that not my pure self i am loving my in this fake self because fake self is changing from childhood you bring all the pictures every year someone has taken a picture of your say every one of us if someone make a collage of that then which one is you tell me if someone asks you are talking about you you you tell me which one is you if you say oh now this is the last this is me okay after few months bring another photograph check what is you so we are we are really in a fictitious world we really go through this change again and again in the field that's why it said that it is individual soul captured by the snare of love deluded thinking every thing in real the confusion ordeal of this worldly existence it's going round and round and round how many times we talk about that but really look at our life do we ever think that i am not this i cannot be this no no this this is me what this is me it is not staying the same for a split second because it is happening so slowly you don't feel that it is happening at all like the fire ball buddhism they give the allah chakra they say fireball you hang it so the ball is here but you swiftly rotate it what will happen the ball though ball is one place only this much because of the wheeling it gives this round shape and you see the ball of fire you cannot deny that ball of fire is not there i see it before my eyes with the senses but it is not the whole ring but it is a ball of fire something in this is changing all the time position and giving a shape of a circle so this body is a changing position inside what is there that is changing the position and the ball rotating and giving the shape so this is called the mummata on pasta and then some another person was next to him and they are talking about this body mind so that person was arguing that this body and i i know this is i am supposed to purchase a ticket for this seat this name this form now wherever you are going you down there or without maybe is not going to accept that you are there then how you are going to tell that you are that name yeah you can give so many examples how to prove that i am not the same person no i am not the same person and question okay okay okay let me see then wow only two verses i thought that i will do three oh six seven eight okay eight we did so let me conclude there then we can go for question answer if you have from the beginningless time this individual soul as we are captured by the snare of our self-love i love myself because of that is deluded because of this deluded and i am thinking everything as real in this confusion or ordeal of this worldly existence in this worldly existence everything is a pain-bearing subject we are all deluded thinking that they are true and that is continuing forever so actually question has come okay we will go for the question answer let me finish the class and then question answer may be a separate issue okay now let us go to the question answer one question in one of other santi gita class i think you said maya exist only in the waking state could you explain please is there no maya in the dream state of course maya no no no i may have said that maya is in the waking state no if i've said that's wrong maya is there in the three states all the three states waking state dream state and sleep state this three state all the street is under the mire of maya because we are ignorant we behave ignorantly we in the physical waking state we see we are we understand it is how we are bewildered in the dream total bewilderment your body is resting and you go into different land and different place you are in the plane where the plane come from where the tiger comes from you don't have any idea of the dream so yes so that is in the dream also the same and also deep sleep because we are not free there we are in the realm of the maya and we only don't know our body we don't know our mind mind is sleeping but i don't die that's why we come out and say i go i had a good sleep so yes maya remains in the three states of waking state dream state and sleep state and those who are beyond maya they go to the fourth state tourio state that is beyond sleep it is called jagrat sabna susuptitoria deep sleep state and that beyond and that beyond beyond mind that's why there's a brahman where there is no mind mind cannot imagine anything my mind has no access there mind does not get in any entry there huh so that and all are happening in the trigunas and the trimayas then another question is here what should be again his approach towards his own mental suffering due to his past bad karma oh yeah yeah thank you so i i wanted to but it is very simple what should be a ganny's approach towards his own mental sufferings due to his past that god yeah again he will think who am i who is suffering my mind is suffering is it not i am suffering either physically i am suffering my body is suffering who is suffering body how you understand it is suffering because the consciousness is behind it is allowing you to feel that it is creating some suffering or it is joy if the consciousness is not there through the body you cannot enjoy happiness or you can not feel any distress so this is the point gary will think it is my body is suffering not me i am the saccidananda that is afghanistan your mind is suffering okay okay in mind i oh i was very much hot by such statement how this my friend can talk about me like this and i am upset with that why you are upset you are upset in your mind but you you are the sachin nothing happened there so ganny will take these are all happening in the maya due to my identification with these objects so i should separate out nothing happened to me nothing happened to me i am untouched by any suffering any pleasure any pain whether in the physical body or in the mental body or in the intellectual level or in the ego level nothing happens to me i am separate that's the witness concept i am the witness consciousness things are happening in the other levels in the maya in the range of maya in those level it is happening not to me and in this maya's range body mind emotion intellect all are there but in pure self there is no mind so therefore no question of suffering so that is the point we should think ganny's attitude would be for my own suffering in my karma or another thing guna guni shuvartante gita also suggest it my my good quality bad quality you know there is a tussle they are fighting what is that to me i am the atman i am pure self i am untouched by anything so that attitude should be there okay you have anything you are giving their question it's gone hey we're gone later but with the other one is it not better to put patiently suffer the fruits of action rather than going for astrological remedies yes as a vedanta student will say that better to be scientific take scientific course if anything happening in my life okay take some means to overcome but some people believe that there is some higher force astrological remedies are also some expression of power power of food who sues power they give some what you call pearls stones some type of they give many things as remedies that psychologically that helps people why i am holding it mothers amulet i'll be better so it has a psychological impact and also astrological reading means there is planetary position and their impact so it did there is a reason those who believe that way that it's okay but i would suggest that as a vedanta student it will be better to depend on god depend on the true nature of our self either be a devotee say oh it is my karma is coming out oh lord it is going too much i cannot take it as a devotion devotional person we can say as a person of knowledge we can say that yes this is happening to the body what's that to me it is happening to the body body will understand it i have nothing to lose nothing to gain i am the same pure stainless full of bliss and joy so that attitude so uh i yes it depends on who is suppose those who believe too much on astrology so you cannot say that's bad they will not listen to you but through that if they have some faith and they get some remedy then they are believing in some higher power and that can lead them to devotion to god but main thing we have to understand the spiritual solution he has to believe all these stars and planets have their impact on us but who is behind their power is it not god they are the above god are you under the god all the planets they're all created so who controls that is it not good to go to the boss directly the head why to go to his assistants and break something and this and that that story ragbar story akbar was praying and saying oh lord oh allah give me more money more wealth more kingdom and the fakir who came to beg he ran away he was going away and then the pakis was asked to stop and then akbar said why you came and where are you going away well i wanted something that's why i came but i am i saw that you are begging from allah so you are a beggar to allah so why he shall come to a beggar to be readily then we directly call him that's the point if you can feel that god is the dwarf by his will everything happened that stars and planets are all rotating because of his will so go to him if you cannot go to the astrology if you have faith in that if you feel benefit yes that also if it is also scientific there is also some science they are not fake people but there is but meat it affects the mind it makes you very dependent if they predict something oh it will happen then you are dead before anything has happened your thought will kill you the king story yeah there is a king and some astrologer came and then he predicted that oh he will die after a certain time no and hearing that the king becomes so sad and so the minister came and he said what is the matter going on well hey this astrologer has come and he is saying that i will be done i i'll have to die in within this period and then he said no no no okay and then then again he called that astrologer to come and said ask the astrologer so how long the king will die and leave this much because i have calculated his birthday chart etc how long you will live i will leave another 10 years or something and immediately he threw out his sword and chopped the head in front of the king see what a liar he said that he will die after 10 years now he's dead so don't believe so so so the king got back into his feet so these are both stories but it depends on your what is your strength please do what is your strength if you have tremendous faith in this astrological remedies please go that also gives you some strength but better to be as i said go to the king directly not to bigger too big the planet is too big you you plan it be kind to me you plan it become boy talk to the boss if you get the permission one boss everyone will make their way out no so you can do that call upon god that is the best thing okay i get that the world is really unrealistic but maya catches us unaware how to avoid getting entangled all the time how do the monks of arama krishna what practice what we are reading that is the practice ramakrishna mission takes four aspects to deal with the maya they analyze as we are in the santi gita so long we analyzed it is happening in the body it is happening in the mind i am attached to it because my identification all these things we again and again we analyze and as a devotee pray to god oh lord it is your maya huh i i am lost into the maya please don't keep me here make me free from this maya pray to the magician so magician will show you the clean path what the magic she was saying these are all false he will make us understand that so bhakti gyano and no take the path of selfless karma ramakrishna mission sadhus doctors devotees they take this path bhakti and yoga yoga and bhakti meditation so these are the ways to get out of the entanglement of this maya and positive attitude this everything is pulsating because there is a cosmic consciousness behind whom we call god god is everywhere i am wrongly seeing that i am not seeing it in proper perspective that's why my misunderstanding is becoming so so i think that mod mission swamis some may be more inclined to analytical path like gyan or yoga path some may be of a devotional nature more but they practice other three also four aspects to overcome maya gano karma yoga bhakti someone may be predominantly bhakta someone may be ganny someone who loves more for meditation and someone's emphasis is selfless work but anyone or all of these at sami they can understand we have to practice and to be free now another question you have said oh lord as in a prayer is that an authentic concept or dualism when you say oh lord it is a dualistic oh lord dualistic prayer but you can make it non-dualistic also because the duality ishara comes out of brahman ishara is not allah another god is god capital god is not separate from brahman god manifested is the power of brahman brahman added with power in a in a sakta philosophy in vedantic philosophy brahman with maya is this universe so when we say oh lord we are all because we are dealing every word i am talking it is we are in duality though we are talking about the absolute truth but we express ourselves through duality all our things are happening in duality level our expression our understanding our talking our response our questions everything is duality that's why normally when you say oh lord it is a god personal god who creates maintains sustenance the world we call him as god okay thank you anything more ah yes why we imagine this way or that way and that is also our past life's karma thinking we thought one way thought is a karma our action gives some thinking so monokalpito because why i am imagining this way and why you are not imagining that way who will make a difference it is the past lives sangaskaras impressions karmas we can say that because in the same family if the three children are born one may be tendency wise the monarch kalpana the world is not real i don't want to stay here i will be a monk his lifestyle is in that direction another brother is very calculative every penny he wants to take and accumulate and make money and make so why he is kalpana his identification mind is teaching them his back background is the same his own input input as the so true always we are at the background our own karma pushes us how to practice vijay mantra under proper guidance can you guide me this is called the medi initiation so that is hap that happens uh when you go to a guru and there is a bija mantra is given there guru will give you according to your temperament need and your good so guru will understand that yes we in our tradition we do that but now we are all closed so it is not a proper time so the question is how to practice bija mantra under proper guidance can you guide me so you can contact me later on we can talk about that is a personal question so or you can email me email email is you can send my name sarva devananda at gmail server devadananda at gmail and normally mantra becomes with the bija but taking name of god is the main thing to love god is the main thing these will also help but my primary thing is that what we read to understand this world is not absolutely true it is unreal created by monokalpito by my mind and that mind when it gets clarity then truth will reveal out of its own and our meditation and prayer removes the clouds cloud of my heart no it it purifies the mind and that kalpana imagination of my mind goes away gradually gradually gradually and truth is god that comes out yes it is possible so you please contact me or yes you can call me also in the phone number 323 seven three 960-1731 huh okay that's good i i get it i'm sending the message of your email right now to this chat yeah okay that's a good idea yeah you can call me now particularly this question you can call me or you can email me at the email address post it in that chat then you can find it there so you can because it is personal so i will be it will be good if you send me your question through email okay so we end here thank you all for joining and mother bless us all to get out of this kalpana jaima you